One good way to give your new puppies a healthy start is by spaying or neutering them. It has been proven by many examinations that sterilizing a pet comes with several behavioral and health advantages. In addition, fixing your pet makes you an accountable owner as this also has great benefits for your pets you will appreciate eventually. So, why should you sterilize your pet?
Why Sterilize Your Pet?
Many pet parents often think spaying their female felines or canines will only avoid unwanted pregnancies, or having their male pet neutered will prevent them from mating with their female kinds. However, we have compiled five more encouraging reasons that will have you sterilize your pet right away.
1. Makes them better behaved
Unfixed dogs or cats usually mark their territories with strong-smelling urine around the house. However, neutered or spayed felines will become less likely to leap or mount other cats, inanimate items, or people. Additionally, aggressive behaviors could be prevented by sterilizing pets.
2. Prevents particular health issues
Sterilizing your pet helps prevent numerous severe health issues they may encounter eventually. Spaying female dogs or cats help prevent ovarian and uterine cancers and even significantly reduces their possibilities of having breast cancer. Neutering male dogs or cats eliminates the possibility of having testicular cancer and prostate conditions.
In addition, neutering decreases the possibility of contracting perianal tumors and hernias, commonly observed in aging and unaltered canines, and decreases aggressive behavior, like dog bites. Taking your pet to a veterinary surgery clinic to be sterilized is a quite sensible and wise idea as this helps your pet live healthier and saves you a lot of cash.
Sterilizing your pet can help avoid the conditions discussed above, which may be costly to treat if your pet contracts them.
3. Increases their lifespan
Many pet owners sterilize their fur buddies to control the pet population, but new research shows spaying or neutering pets can help them live longer. Experts say neutered, or spayed pets live happier and healthier lives because of fewer behavioral concerns, lesser possibilities of contracting infections, deadly health conditions, and distressing causes of death.
Having your pet sterilized and routinely taking them to an SD Bay animal hospital for their vet care will increase their lifespan and improve their quality of life.
4. Reduces exposure to other animals
Unsterilized pets are susceptible to experiencing a rush of hormones in their body, leading to sexual arousal that might cause them to go after stray or outdoor dogs when they’re in heat. In addition, if your pet chases after other canines to mate, they are at a greater danger of contracting a common STD in dogs, called Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT).
Unsterilized pets often chase after dogs to mate, and they are more susceptible to injuries and fights that usually result in larger consequences. Scenarios like this must not be overlooked by pet owners. When your pet gets into fights with other dogs, it is important to bring them to professionals specializing in emergency veterinarian service immediately to be inspected.
5. Helps fight overpopulation
Countless cats and dogs get in shelters every year because of unplanned pet pregnancies. Felines can reproduce 45 times as fast as humans and canines 15 times. Neutering or spaying your pets can reduce the number of animals that will need shelters each year.