Dog Dental Disease: Common Signs to Be Aware Of

The most common condition that affects pets and cats is dental disease, specifically periodontal disease. Dental illness in our dogs could be shocking in its prevalence and severity. Pet owners and vets alike sometimes ignore dental disease identification and treatment.

Many veterinary schools have not recognized the importance of dental health education as part of the education of vets and technicians. Understanding the signs of dental problems in our pets can require the collaboration of pet owners and educated veterinarians.

It’s essential to be aware that even the most experienced observer may miss some periodontal problems. The loss of bone around the teeth is more rapid than that of gum recession. A thorough examination of the periodontal system, including dental X-rays required to detect periodontal diseases.

Symptoms of Dental Disease in Dogs

A lot of dental issues begin below your gumline. The symptoms listed below are only a fraction of the extensive damage to teeth. That is why tooth extraction is often required for pet owners who notice something wrong.

Red or Bleeding Gums

Gums that are healthy and normal are pink in color. When squeezed, the gums change to a lighter pink color, then back to their original pink color once you remove your fingers.

A reddish gum in your pet may indicate several factors. It is possible to rule out overheating and heatstroke as the primary cause of the redness if your dog has not been exposed to the sun or hot weather conditions. Bright red gums, however, can indicate inflammation (gingivitis) or infection resulting from periodontitis.

Your dog’s gums can become more sensitive and prone to bleeding because of these dental diseases. Blood-tinged saliva, blood on chew toys, and bloody patches on your dog’s bedding are all things that pet owners could notice.

Discolored Teeth

Plaque is a biofilm consisting mainly of salivary glycoproteins, bacteria, and extracellular polysaccharides, which adhere to the tooth’s surface or gaps. It’s not food residue, but it’s an uneven and rough coating that you might feel on your teeth before brushing.

When it is combined with minerals, plaque develops into tartar. It is a complicated, yellowish, or brownish substance that’s difficult to eliminate (through regular tooth cleaning). Groomers can only remove what can be seen, not below the gum line where tartar forms, and can cause tooth decay; therefore, having your dog’s teeth cleaned won’t be enough.

Bad Breath

While your pet’s breath will probably never be minty, any unusual scents should be evaluated by your veterinarian. The majority of pets with exceptionally foul-smelling breath have periodontal disease that must be treated.

Plaque build-up creates a stinky odor that gets more persistent as it solidifies into tartar. When periodontitis has risen to the point of tooth decay, your dog’s breath might get worse. Look up “Veterinary surgeon near me” for the best results.

Excessive Drooling

Because the oral tissues, including the gums, are irritated and inflamed, most dental issues result in your dog drooling. Your dog’s mouth produces more saliva than expected due to this. Visit a veterinary clinic for cat veterinary services.

Difficulty Eating

Pet owners who notice their dogs drinking a lot of water but not eating should investigate the various causes. Some dogs are sensitive to food or resort to unruly behavior to get what they want. Lastly, the elderly or sick dogs may not be eating the same way as younger and healthy.

There are many reasons a dog suddenly stops eating, and these causes should be cleared out immediately to determine the cause. Examine your mouth and teeth for problems and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Consult your veterinarian for more information about pet dental care.